ELV review, the story continues…

While writing this the consultation has already ended. Of course we sent in our vision and desired solutions about EPR, funds, targets, implementation issues and other ideas. We hope everybody did, because even if we try to be one Europe, in different countries we...

Review ELV Directive

Despite the fact that we are still under the spell of corona, some things (probably even many things) go on. The IARC was postponed again (to June 23 – 25, 2021), we still don’t know if the EGARA Fall Meeting will be in Brussels or online, but the process of the...

ELV review will assess electrical parts in cars

VIDEO REPORT: The process of reviewing the End of Life Vehicle (ELV) Directive before the EU Commission is now getting underway. On the agenda will be how to classify the increasing amount of electrical products in cars, either under the WEEE directive (waste...