We reported before to do whatever is possible to finally get producers info we need to get our spare parts sold to the right customers and to have everything functioning as well. As soon as we can report results or anything new concerning our efforts we will report about it. So far we can also mention ARA’s (the US Automotive Rercyclers Association) approach to obtain parts info. Simply said, they state they need producers info for possible recals to prevent selling parts that were the cause of a recall. We follow this topic as it may lead to a succesfull outcome

EGARA Spring Meeting 2015 in Dublin

For this years Springmeeting IMVRA volunteered to host the annual Spring Meeting. EGARA hopes to support the Irish association by being present and to stress the importance of a well organised vehicle dismantling branche. We already thank IMVRA for actions taken to facilitate EGARA’s main event.

EGARA not present at IARC

EGARA was declined as a keynote speaker for the second time. For EGARA reason to no longer give patronage (permission to use EGARA logo on IARC messages) or support this event at all. The reasons the Steering Committee of IARC gave, seem to count for EGARA, but not for other speakers. EGARA can no longer see the IARC covering the whole recycling chain as the first step does not get the opportunity to speak out our industries priorities and concernes. At the moment we feel our message is undesired, but if we ever get speaking time, we will gladly join IARC again.