EGARA had her Fall meeting in Brussels again. Brussels is central and the EC is close. Mrs Artemis Hatzi-Hull had the time to visit our meeting to give some updates and Mr. Johannes Chatzis from IDIS had a presentation about the IDIS system.


In the IDIS system, producers can display dismantling info about their vehicles. The system is free and available in 30 languages. The quality of the info depends on the input of producers. If dismantlers feel info is wrong, incomplete or missing, they can report to IDIS who will try to get the info from the producer. Johannes stated these reports are very welcome as they make IDIS better and more usable. The info is not VIN based. It’s type based and in some cases VIN ranges are mentioned. But the system is not meant for parts info or info per individual vehicle. This is important to know, as many member states are of opinion that producers fulfill the obligations from the Directive about recycling and reuse information. IDIS is about recycling information, but certainly not about reuse info. Some producers put recall info in IDIS, but not all. Special requests can be put on the IDIS agenda when there’s need for special info.


Artemis had some news about unknown whereabouts of ELV’s and reports. Both topics will be on the TAC agenda next year. It’s not clear how many vehicles are in circulation and how many are leaving. This is all about registration, reporting, incentives and enforcement. Another topic is the spare parts status, is it waste or not? At this moment both France and Ireland consider spare parts as waste until a car is repaired. Artemis is very clear: The EC do not consider them waste, but national implementations can lead to the waste status of used parts. Reason for this is the (wrong) assumption that newer legislation (WFD: Waste frame Directive) prevails over older (ELV Directive) which is not true. Specific legislation (ELV Directive) prevails over general legislation (WFD). In most memberstates this is no problem, but some are very hard to convince.


One last Item was brought up. In some countries VAT needs to paid over the whole price of a spare part. Normally for spare parts there’s a margin agreement as VAT is already paid over the part. In case of spare parts VAT is normally only paid over the profit. EGARA will investigate the different national agreements about VAT margins on spare parts and scrap also.

Again we had a useful and constructive Fall meeting. Next meeting will be the Spring meeting in May in France.