Lithuanian Dismantlers Association was awarded a grant for the Leonardo da Vinci Program Mobility Projects (No. LLP-LdV-VETPRO-2008-LT-0191) in 2008. Managers from Lithuanian dismantling companies willparticipate in this programme for the purpose of professional development, improvement of professional knowledge and skills, as well as complete practical traineeships in enterprises; get better familiarized with the novelties in vocational training area, the most state-of-the-art technologies, exchange experience with colleagues, etc.

Dismantling companies staff who are responsible for employee qualification improvement will be afforded the opportunity to train in Great Britain under specific guidelines.

Through the Mobility Projects the Lithuanian Dismantlers Association can improve the local skill and knowledge base and increase proficiency in job organization within the industry.

The Lithuanian Dismantlers Association looks forward to realizing overall improvement in personnel motivation, employee evaluation, group work inducement, employee work effectiveness and planning.