2015- Target Review Report has been published

As you may recall, EGARA held the vice-chairmanship on the European Commissions Stakeholder Working Group (SWG) investigating the possibilities for achieving the 2015-targets in the ELV-directive. The final report has now been delivered to the Commission, which based on it, will make proposals to the Parliament and the Council.

The report can be found on the Commission’s web-site:


We are happy to be able to say that, EGARA’s presence clearly can be seen in the report. Most important is perhaps that, it has now been stated that:

  • there is work involved in de-polluting and dismantling for recycling according to the directive – and there are also costs associated with it
  • investments are needed in order to comply with “rules”
  • to base the economy of this purely on high scrap-metal prices is a “fragile” solution and does not guarantee sustainability.

Take a look yourselves! Quite interesting reading!