Spare parts and the internet

Spare parts and the internet

Spare parts and the internet As dismantlers we all sell parts. Our ELV’s are filled with parts and the only thing we need to do is to find receivers for our parts. Of course this sounds simpler than it is in reality. Sometimes it is simple. Customers know where to...
Newsletter 6th June 2024

Newsletter 6th June 2024

Co-decision In my previous article I advocated the cooperation between ATF associations and their networks among authorities, national politicians and MEPs. This issue I want to explain the phase of the process in which the proposal for the Vehicle Directive is and...

Minutes 2001-2024

2023 – 2024   15-06-2024 Valence -Spring meeting 16-11-2023 Brussel – Fall Meeting 02–6-2023 Malaga – Spring Meeting  2002 t/m 2011 200211xx Brussel 20011117 Kiermusy 20020420 Decisions Manchester 20020420 Manchester 20030425 Decisions Oslo...
After have your say, now what?

After have your say, now what?

After ‘Have your say’, now what? In a previous article EGARA called all her members and their associated dismantlers to respond to the ‘Have your say’ invitation of the European Commission. This was done and lead to a great number of responses. Not only of...

Spare part promotion

Article EGARA February 2023 Spare parts promotion Recently, EGARA had contact with a delegation from the EC to discuss the promotion of spare parts. They responded to a mail that we sent some time ago, but clearly it hadn’t been lost. So our remarks were noticed and...

EGARA speech IARC Basel 2022

This year’s International Automotive Recycling Congress was held in Basel on 5th -7thJuly. EGARA was fortunate to have a speech on Wednesday 6th July. It’s probably not a surprise that we choose to speak about EV batteries. In the presentation we tried to explain to...