Despite the fact that we are still under the spell of corona, some things (probably even many things) go on. The IARC was postponed again (to June 23 – 25, 2021), we still don’t know if the EGARA Fall Meeting will be in Brussels or online, but the process of the ELV Directive review goes on. The report of the meeting from last February was put online (see EC website) and we are very curious to hear what the EC thinks of the suggestions and wonder what direction the Directive revision will follow.

For EGARA the role of the dismantler as the first operator in the recycling chain is evident. We are of all players the best in realising reuse (good quality spare parts) and we can separate materials at the source for the cleanest fractions for the lowest costs and the highest recycling level. We depollute vehicles for hazardous wastes because we have to. Materials with high value, we already separate them as costs are covered by the prices. For materials with lesser values at least our labour costs need to be paid.

Just for these reasons, every step we take in our business, we protect environment, we prevent waste, we are sustainable and contribute undeniably to circular economy. Because we are small and independent organisations, we can adapt quickly to whatever new technologies and demands come up. We showed this with air conditioners (refrigerants) and with airbags, we show this again with hybrids and EV’s (electrical vehicles).

We also prepare for new forms of cooperation in case of new modes of ownership in which producers may become providers of mobility rather than selling cars. They still need to take care of their written off vehicles. We can do this for the lowest price with the best results. We always did, we always will. We do not need to build big expensive installations, we do not need complicated logistics, our results are clear and transparent, we do not need to pay shareholders or commissioners. We are lean, effective and efficient.

What we hope for is that in a new Directive, the level of recycling will be described much clearer than it is right now. We saw how high level recycling was replaced by low level recycling, because according to the laws, it was still recycling. Or at least in some countries it was recycling. But for the most effective high level recycling, the dismantler is an inevitable factor.

The EC is looking how to improve the EPR (extended producers responsibility). So far producers never paid anything. They report in some cases about the recycling rates, but no single fund is paid with producers money. It’s (first) owners or otherwise filled. This money should be used if non-profitable materials need to be recycled anyway. They are also interested in problematic materials.

Insight in (future) costs for EV recycling is high on the EC agenda. They need insight in costs for dismantling, storage, monitoring and fire prevention, transport and battery analysis.
Tyres are of interest also. The EC tries to find out if cement ovens are the only option, or if there are other ways of recycling possible.

The EC made clear the right to repair is an important item. They even think of taking a reuse rate in the obligations. The French example of a law that makes an offer for repair with used parts made a big impression. They are interested in what ages of ELV’s are interesting for parts sales.

For this, EGARA will defend the position of the dismantler in the ELV Directive and will promote the capacities and abilities of the ATF’s where possible, but for sure where the new Directive is discussed. We have proven to be a reliable sector, even a resilient one in hard times or under hard (national) circumstances. We do a good job and we easily adapt to changes. We are sustainability, that’s our strong point.