This time we want to update our readers about some activities that took a lot of our time, but we think was worthwhile.

First we had the meetings with our members about the cost calculation model. We had 2 meetings in total and some extra meetings with excom and individual members. The result was a representable report about national costs for vehicle dismantling. As said previously, we are proud of the result and presented it to the EC.

The meeting with the EC (Artemis and her team as well as the 2 consultants involved with the review) went very well and was very informative. We explained our model was in fact a tool that directly shows the result of changes in for instance metal prices or hours of labour in case of new obligations. The EC had also many other questions that we could answer and could lead to more insight in our business. What we can’t answer yet is what dismantling of EV’s will cost, but we could already explained that investments in facilities for storage and monitoring will be necessary, just as education. We have little experience and dismantling time of batteries varies from an hour to sometimes 8 hours in case of vehicles that were not designed as EV from the beginning (like the VW Golf).

Artemis explained the EC is thinking of combining Directives to get more grip on design, production, use fase, end fase, recycling fase and EPR. This needs to be coordinated with other DG’s, which is quite progressive, but it seems to be necessary to get the desired results.

Another consultation is coming. It will be an open one for everybody and a dedicated one for targeted partners of which EGARA will be one. It will be announced on the EC site.

We are very happy with this good contact at such an important moment in ELV legislation. We are more part of it than we ever were and we had a good liaison in Artemis for almost 15 years already.

What we also found out is that our members are interested in specific items. Think of grey zone/illegals, insurance, registration and export, parts information and other topics that we do not have a lot of time for in our meetings. For this we will plan some 1 item only meetings to fulfil in this wish and to get the information that comes from them.

Other news is that EGARA decided to invest in her website and upgraded to modern standards. We linked our news to Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter, so we try to look for more publicity that we did. The old website had no pictures at all, so we hope the new site is a bit more attractive to however is looking for information about vehicle recycling in Europe. Please take a look at and let us know any comments.